Sudden Changes and Autism

Johnathan asked me (while I was in hospital) if I could write about changes and I think he’s right so I decided that I would focus on sudden changes and the impact it can have on someone who has autism.

You see, the recent hospital stays provide a genuine, proper chance to have a look at the impact it can have on anybody on the spectrum.  I mean, it was stressful for me, so I know it must have been hard on my family too,  And you have to think about the negative impact it can have.

We spoke to each other when I was able to and we also played some games between each other on the ipad.  And that was wonderful, because it meant we could communicate in a way that was fun and enjoyable.  It made me smile to think it is possible for us to play something together we both enjoy without descending into argument.

Of course, this is very hard on ANYBODY to have their mother go into hospital, come home and then go BACK into hospital not quite two days later.  It impacts everyone and the treatment and length of stay in hospital is unpleasant even IF they are getting the best care ever.

So how does it impact the child on the spectrum?  Well, firstly they need to know and understand what is wrong with the person and how the doctors are dealing with it.  We have said many a time that we would never lie to him and it’s important for him to understand the issues because they do impact his life.

Kevin was very happy to have me home.  But Johnathan was angry.  Not merely that I had gone back in again, but I had told him NOT to count on me coming home because we had discovered that if we say it might happen or probably won’t happen that means it is unlikely to happen, although there is a tiny chance it will, Johnathan takes it as YES IT WILL HAPPEN and nothing will stop it, so we are trying to be more conscious in our use of words so that he will understand it better.

I didn’t mind coming home to a grumpy child.  In fact, I expected it.  He had been given more than enough problems over the two weeks.  They said they noticed the difference at school.  Quite frankly, it has been a hard situation for us all.  But I think understanding that what has gone on and the impact it has on the person on the spectrum, the better life will be.  Make it easier on the person on the spectrum and give them space to be what they really are.  I got him to bash away at his drum and that helped a bit.


Unhelpful thoughts and autism


Comfort vs Comfort Zones