Special Time With Anyone

I was thinking about this and  wondered HOW you actually get to spend special time with someone.  Is it the “traditional” way?  But of course if you decide to do that, what do you look at as traditional?  Family or country or world?  How do you make it special to the two of you?

One of the magazines that gave advice to young women about how to prepare for your husband’s return from work in the first half of 20th century said that they needed to have the children in bed, supper ready for him, and make yourself pretty for him - maybe even with a bow in your hair…not something I wanted to be.  I was equal to him and had two degrees to my name.

So, what were we going to do?  We knew I wanted to be a housewife, but not like the early part of that century.  So how was this going to work and what was going to be our special time?  For us, the special times we had together (when we would share more meaningful things and a special time) was when I was driving the car and seeing the beautiful countryside outside our windows.

But special times aren’t JUST with your partner.  They are for each time you want to have a special time with somebody - you don’t want to do it when other people are around and listening.  This is private time for the two of you where you can share your heart with another person and that can be ANYONE.  

In past centuries, people would have to have their special time face to face, but now we have so many methods of connecting personally, we don’t have to.  Sometimes it is through methods you have in your house and home.  But I have often found these special times take place when you DON’T have to look at the person’s face ALL THE TIME.  Because that often changes the depth of conversation that can take place.

And if it’s with children, I find that if you have your back to them, or they are doing something like colouring in or it’s at night time.  When you want to have these special times, I believe you have to make the time and space to hear them and not just leave it to chance.  There are many ways you can prepare for a special/quiet time for sharing, but ensure you are comfortable, as are they and you may discover something you never imagined from them. 


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