Resolutions or Words For The Year or…..What?

Well, yes, it’s that time again and you’re dreading having to think of either resolutions or choosing a word for the year.  You know the resolutions will be broken in a few weeks and that you’ll forget your word or it won’t be helpful to you.


Do you know, I think that’s the way with most people?  You can plan your life to a minute by minute thing as some people do, or the bullet notes that repeat things FAR too much for me.  I have also tried business planners, home planners etc.  One time when I was asking the lady for some support (can’t remember who it was or any of the details and I was surprised when her response was that if I had filled it out in the first place correctly and kept on doing so, it would have worked.  


Of course I knew that was true.  I COULD keep the planner thing going,  but it wasn’t leaving me the freedom and fluidity you find you need in both life and work.  And I was wanting to know how to put that into this planner, but she felt she couldn’t help me because I hadn’t completely filled it in after the first week.  But maybe I was looking for the wrong kind of solution to my problem.


And yes, people who love planning down to the minutest level absolutely LOVE those things and put colour in and all kinds of tabs and stuff in it.  They find it truly satisfying and that’s wonderful for them and I admire their dedication and delight with their creations.  But quite frankly it really isn’t me.


So I went to other people and they suggested choosing a word for the year instead and they told me it was really great because you could either decide what your word was based on your needs or based on what you thought your idea of the year should be.  Truthfully, it wasn’t much better!


I have really been considering this for some time and have decided to create up to 5 “intentions” for the foreseeable future.  They don’t have to be about anything but if you want to work on one or all five at a time, you can.  And I have been considering creating a facebook group where we talk about our successes and failures in this regard and get support  and cheering on with whatever we choose to do.  If you want to swap out one for something else you can.  What do you think of the idea?


Special Time With Anyone


So Relieved!