Sensory Gardens

I’ve just been watching a programme on the television where a group pf people came in and built a sensory garden for a particular family.  There is a little girl that needed world around her because of a very rare eye condition.

Such a wonderfully blessed and beautiful thing to do.  Many parents can’t afford to do all they wish for their child/ren and so there is a need to help them but in a loving and caring way.  And when the child has a rare condition, they generally, unfortunately have to do with whatever the parents can do and their world is unsuitably restricted to keep them safe.

Some years ago, we were out driving somewhere and Kevin saw on the ipad that there was a sensory garden in the area.  I think we must have had Johnathan by that time and we knew he had sensory needs and I was considering the possibility of giving him one.  

However, the sensory garden was in a TERRIBLE state….everything was overgrown and looked dirty and the plants crossed over one another.  I didn’t even want Johnathan to go IN it,  I was very upset because it had obviously been built for the community and NOBODY was there to love it.

I wasn’t planning a large garden but I knew if we got gardeners in then they could me help my child and his probable friends of the future,  The fact children had lost that opportunity in the community was sad.  I WANTED them to have that chance, that community coming together to restore it and bring it back to its former glory and keep it there.  

I do know that I nor Kevin can create one BUT there are SOME facilities for children with special needs so that the park could be more accessible and they con openly use what is available.  So we will use what is there and the facilities that are available  to be.




Losing Things