
I was watching some kids programmes with Johnathan - well more than I was comfortable with, but it wasn’t MY pleasure that was the consideration, but his.  He has had a hard week.  Didn’t want to go into school but we insisted that it was important,  So we are doing more relaxed things over the weekend.

So what is the treasure in that?  I am sure you are asking.  It doesn’t seem it, does it when you put it into “cold” English.  But that’s not true,  Even the fact of him being able to enjoy time with ME, alone, while Daddy was working  and gets day off where it can be arranged.

Of course I don’t see Johnathan when he’s at his best.  He needs time to wake in the morning - as do I!  I used to take them both in the car somewhere but haven’t yet felt assured enough that I could drive again yet.  Hey, that gives YOU a chance to come and get that treasure so even if you can’t find your own treasure, you can borrow some of MINE FOR YOURSELF t0 be grateful..

I have just had a thought - and I hope you feel it is a great idea.  I was thinking that at the end of posts I do, I am going to put a space where I tell you what the treasure is I am taking about in the post.  THEN YOU can write down some things you find a treasure.  DON’T just say a person, try and think of something good that you TREASURE about the person.

I guess I have an advantage to you because I thought of the idea!  And if you would just be able to add something in at the bottom of the website, Instagram or facebook.  I would be SO SO SO DELIGHTED.  But if you can’t write it yourself because you’re too shy, send it to me and I will make sure your comment gets there anonymously.

So here we go!


Today my treasure is really great because I actually had a GOOD AND FUN time this morning testing ONE of Johnathan’s card games.  We were just laughing and giggling away and it was SO MUCH FUN!.  Looking forward to my next time alone with him.


Anika’s Pick of the Week 2


Sensory Gardens