Losing Things

And finding them as well, actually.  It is really easy for ANY child to lose things, but it’s easier generally speaking for children on the spectrum to lose things and then immediately go to meltdown city 94 in .1 of a second.when they discover it!

One of the difficulties we have had to tackle with Johnathan is not only does he not notice anything further than the place he is sitting/standing but has always refused to open doors and drawers or what have you.  We were asked numerous times what he did if he saw a toy across the room that he wanted.  They were shocked at the answer that he didn’t SEE it.  But it was true.  Personally, even with ALL my time with a number of babies and children, i had NEVER heard of this before.  

If he doesn’t see what he is looking for, or what someone wants him to do in  his immediate vicinity, he’s basically “lost” them because once they are in a drawer or a cupboard, or something like that, he doesn’t remember or know where they are or even what they are.  There are things he has that he has maybe used once on his birthday or at Christmas and that has been IT.  

We have spoken to him over and over again that if you have lost something you need to MOVE other items to see if you accidentally put something on top of them, or you had to work out which rooms you have BEEN in and go to them all.  

Do you know what?  Finally he remembered HIMSELF and I didn’t have to do it for him.  And we didn’t get a meltdown in the process either!  So if you have a child on the spectrum similar, don’t give up on telling them how to find things and dealing with the consequences because one day they WILL remember and you will be delighted!


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