
I know you have realised by now that I ponder on things before I write them. it’s quite 

interesting to even examine the idea that you do like to ponder - or would that take you round and round in circles  And now you’re wondering why I have been doing so.

I have been pondering my relationship.  Even now if Johnathan gets uptight or upset over something I try and do what I can to make him feel better.  I sing to him, shush him, talk to him quietly.and cuddle him.  I think the cuddles will have to become different now he’s nearly taller than me!  But he still loves touch as his main sensory sensation.

As you know if you have been reading my relationship with Johnathan  B doesn’t always follow easy lines.  We are too much alike  for us not butt heads from time to time.  And there is a strong attachment with each.other.  

On Sunday Johnathan was bored and didn’t know what to do and was asking me why I didn’t like going to hospital and how stressful I find it.  So, what he did for me, which I consider to be beautiful, made my day and my heart sing.

There is a bag next to where he sits at the table (always got to be the correct seat).  He has a LOT of things to help him remain calm - fidget toys or what have you.  And he took me through them, took a photograph of the ones I really liked and said to me that if I have to go to the hospital, then all I needed to do was was refer to that photo and I could take those into hospital because he knows they will help me.


Medication and wheelchairs


Effects of a seizure