Effects of a seizure

I wasn’t quite sure what to call this, to be honest with you.  First, I want to start with thoughts about my seizure and afterwards and the long term effects you probably have no idea of, if you haven’t faced it or learned about it.

So, to thoughts about my seizure.  To be honest, firstly I would have to say I am grateful to be alive.  I was in the house on a Sunday morning with Johnathan an then I “woke up” in a strange room and single bed.  Where was it?Who knew?  I certainly didn’t!

Took me a bit to realise it was a hospital room and I saw a buzzer to press and was freaking out at the nurse and the doctor.  I had NO idea of what happened.  Kevin said he was informed that my situation may worsen.  And they FINALLY woke me with a dose of magnesium through an iv.  

Weird thing was that I was well aware of the people that came in and they ALL scared me, so they rang Kevin to come and calm me down.  He came and put me to bed, where I promptly fell asleep.  THAT was a wasted trip (in a sense) for him because he never spent any real time with me because once he was there I went to sleep.

There were some things I was completely aware about and of.  Trouble is, after the seizure, they ask you questions you “should” know, like your name and date of birth.  IF they had asked me when Henry VIII or Elizabeth I came to the throne I could have told them, but they didn’t!

I think people need to remember that the person DOESN’T remember things you would expect.  And when you’re next ill, you don’t seem to be able to function cognitively again.  I have also found that my speech will go slow and quiet and I will have to think REALLY hard to discover the actual word I want.  Or I confuse the words of something up.  And this is a few years AWAY from my seizure.  I don’t know whether they get better, or worse and my spelling goes to pot, too!  

So many people find this irritating - I used to!  But if you could just THINK that the person you are speaking to is NOT necessarily dumb but has gone through what I have been through and give them the patience and grace that I must admit I never found for others myself.




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