Medication and wheelchairs

Anyone who has a chronic condition tends to be on medication and/or using a form of walking aid - moving from sticks, to crutches, to wheelchairs or some form of scooter or power chairs.  And it’s not for “enjoyment” or the need to “seem disabled.” 

Yes, of course I know there are scammers - but they are in every walk of life.  In no way does it detract from the people that are disabled.  Often I will be asked WHY  I have a chair - um. because I need it!  I can’t get around very far without it.

Sometimes it can be annoying to think of having to take all the medications but I need them.  One of the things I have really struggled with is the use of inhalers.  Kevin told me that when I spoke on the phone the reason any medical people would ask if I was ok was because I was breathless and needing to use an inhaler.  So now that I’ve started doing so, they have not being asking me that when on the phone!

There are times when people look at you and are puzzled by the symptoms that you present with.  In fact, it generally happens when I have been taken into hospital and I am pretty sure you guessed that with me.  Medication and wheelchairs are now a part of our daily needs.


Kevin’s birthday

