Kevin’s birthday

Well today is his birthday and it has been a great day.  To see him develop and change through the years we have been together has been extraordinary.  And when we first met, life changed dramatically.

I had come to Scotland from England and had only met one lady and her twin 17 year olds for about 3 hours.  That was it.  So I literally knew nothing about the area, what was around and where to go for anything.  

The delightful thing about the church I found was that one of the ladies came with some bags of presents for me and she said they were from the church because they picked anyone who they felt needed the support and encouragement they felt was needed.  So a lovely surprise.

So…..some months later I spoke to the new pastor about doing something nice for whoever it would be and I’d give them the money to get the stuff or pay the bill and he looked very surprised and said he would check with the office because he had never heard of it and had been with the church from the beginning.  And I heard nothing further.  

It was quite (can I use this word?) interesting that Kevin and I came from two different church backgrounds.  He had been brought up in Catholicism and I was moderately happy with most Protestant churches.  So, initially we went to both churches and I became Catholic because I saw the difference it made to Kevin.  I hadn’t seen ANYBODY look so peaceful and energised at the same time.

Kevin is a wonderfully gifted man on computers.  He can tell you things from back in the 80s and what was going on in the computing world.  He hasn’t 

Also, I will have to admit, he knows a lot of medical stuff - he had wanted to train as a doctor and get into finding a cure for leukaemia, but that didn’t work out for him.  

When we went to watchmakers and were allowed in (I think they had a maximum of 3 servers so they had a buzzed in bell  and I think we just pushed the door open at the end.  One of the staff was chatting to me and told me Kevin could take over the store as a manager because he knew more than the manager serving him.

Kevin and I are strong when we work together on things.  We find we complete tasks together best.  If we do this, we can each work on what suits us better and that’s a wonderful saving grace of two disabled people who are a couple.


Hide and Seeking with things


Medication and wheelchairs