Masking Again (how many times I don’t remember)

Masking is probably one of the most frustrating things for the parent or carer of a child on the spectrum.  The child may be in school or even nursery or kindergaden.  In fact , it doesn’t actually matter where they are.

It is said that a child in school or any other place really where their parent’s/carers are not around, what tends to happen is that the child doesn’t see what they deem to be a “safe space” and they basically wait until they see that person to tell them every little thing that was wrong, even if the staff didn’t see it or notice it.

Johnathan has had quite a few but hasn’t necessarily trusted them and so would wait for someone he trusted ie Mummy or Daddy.  One time I got a phone call to say he had been pushed over but he was fine and when I went to collect him from nursery, I clocked INSTANTLY he had broken his other arm this time.  

Quite frankly EVERY person on the spectrum will hold in what they have to during the day but just like a bottle of coke can only take  so much shaking, when they are with their safe person, they just EXPLODE and tell the person every little thing that went wrong.  And the person that had them during the time generally has no idea, unless the “safe person” tells them.

It can take a number of years but now that he is in year 6, the deputy knows him REALLY well as we have been back and forward about so many things and issues that need addressing.  But if people DON’T know, it is important that the parent/carer for the child tells them.  It’s impossible for them to know if the parent doesn’t say.


Sharing with other professionals about the child/nonverbal adult  is so important and can bring rewarding results.


Sickness and Autism


Right Person for the Right Job