Johnathan And Me
I have been thinking about our relationship and I would say it’s actually beginning to get better, in spite of the double stay in the hospital. I was worried how he was going to be because he doesn’t like me being away at all and knowing I was poorly and unable to get home really had a negative impact on him which the school even noticed.
So, quite frankly, I wasn’t expecting things to pick up, but they actually HAVE! And I think I can look at a number of different factors for this. Although not all of them may be relevant, I want to include them anyway.
He has recently rekindled a friendship he had at nursery and has been having a great time going to see him. The friendship is entirely reciprocated and is lovely to see.
And Kevin and I had been talking about HOW I could get more involved in doing things with him. Well, obviously our writing is a draw, but not enough to encourage him to want to spend lots of time with me. He mostly wants me to do computer/wii/switch games with him and there are many I can’t physically do when he is home.
However, because I have terrible trouble waking in the mornings, that wasn’t a good time to try and do something with him. I had tried, but sometimes I can go weeks without waking up in time no matter what. So we decided I would share with Kevin doing the bedtime routine and being with him until he falls asleep.
I know it’s probably massive, but to the two of us, I am doing something I haven’t done for a number of years, unless I am sleeping in the sitting room with him when he’s poorly. And this has been a good thing. Gives me a chance to possibly have a quick chat and he is comforted because I’m there. He’s not asking for Daddy every night and that helps Kevin because it gives mim a wee time to himself.
The other thing that has really helped is me playing a bit with him and Daddy on the wii or switch and they have managed to do a bit of something I CAN do. So he’s now calling it FAMILY night, instead of DADDY night. A small change, but a massive difference to me and hopefully with him too.