
I was just wondering if there was a time when humour is definitely NOT wanted.  There are so many things that can be said with good, or bad, humour. Actually, no I mean that people accept humour with either good or bad grace.  And that some jokes should not be told in certain situations.  

Children can be funny in replies that they give you.  Or you catch them doing something that they know they shouldn’t do, and it’s the look on their face or the excuse they give that makes you want to laugh when you know you shouldn’t.  I must admit that, at this point there are times I HAVE laughed but I have always said to the child that just because I laughed, that doesn’t make it right.

And do you KNOW how hard it is to pick a GOOD humorous card?  My word!  Some of them are far too rude to give anyone.  I’m sure it’s possible….but please, don’t send me any for my 50th this year.  Oh my goodness!  How ON EARTH did I reach 50?  Wasn’t I thirty the last time I looked?

And God Himself, should never be laughed AT, although you can laugh WITH him.  Actually I think that is what I really want to say here.  I don’t think it’s kind to EVER laugh AT a person, but laughing WITH them is ok.

When we laugh at things that are funny, it’s ok.  They were meant to be.  But I don’t think it is EVER right to laugh AT  a person.  You should have some respect whoever they are and whatever you think.

I give you permission to tell jokes. Laugh at the good ones, groan at the bad ones And always remember to be sure you’re not laughing AT someone or upsetting those around you.


When your thoughts go a wandering


Advantage or Disadvantage?