Cooking Shows

Do you ever watch cooking shows? I love watching them, but the thing I enjoy the most is when it’s a competition and the contestants help each other when they are stuck. There is such camaraderie between the chefs as they work.

To be honest with you, I have probably enjoyed watching cooking shows, but I never really watched them (other than the UK MasterChef) until after I met Kevin. I remember Kevin and I even watched one while we were on our honeymoon, sitting at the small dining table in a little nook of our room where we had our pudding while watching it.

I must admit I love to watch cooking programs with Kevin. It’s not as much fun watching them on my own. Surprisingly, I also find writing at the same time really relaxing. Gosh, I have no idea how I manage it, but I do.

I am well aware that I didn’t do much writing last week. I have been having trouble with my chest and knew that my body wouldn’t cope with it. Oh, and my right knee decided to sub-lax for some strange reason. I said to Kevin, “It’s the wrong knee!” If it had been my left leg, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all!

As I have said before, I have found as a discovery writer that I just can’t write when I am not comfortable. There is no other reason that prevents me from writing. I know Kevin doesn’t like being woken up in the middle of the night with me panicking that I can’t find my pencil…

Cooking programs are exciting to watch, and I enjoy sharing the experience with Kevin. Chatting with him about what the chefs are doing really makes my day.

Please do come back and see what I write, because you never know if it’s something you might enjoy hearing. And if you ever want to contact me, please feel free to do so.


Effects of a seizure


The Olympics