Beauty is……

Beauty.  What a word.  Beauty.  Now, what do you have to consider when beauty is the subject of choice?  At the end of the day, it’s what you SEE and decide that makes something beautiful.  What it means to you.  I thought I would look up the word beauty and see what beauty means.  Here’s what it said

• beauty


1. a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

*I was struck by her beauty"

2. a beautiful woman.

"she was considered a great beauty in her youth"

Similar: beautiful woman adjective INFORMAL • AUSTRALIAN

belle vision charmer enchantress

And yet another explanation is here

1. : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness.25 Jun 2023

So you can see that both online dictionaries basically indicate that beauty is quality or or qualities that brings pleasure.  And we do look at things with a, well I guess DESIRE to find them beautiful.  We don’t want to look at things that don’t please us.  Or that make us feel terrible.

Let me give you an explanation of this = I had a professional organiser, Elaine MacInlay come round to help me get my house sorted out.  My mental health wasn’t in a great state and finding the bed was causing me pain to sleep in, I was spending most of the time in the sitting room.  That doesn’t sound too bad when you say it like that, but actually, it didn’t help my mental health.  One of the first things she noted was that I was sitting with a dark brown door at one side of my vision and the television on the other.  

This was something I hadn’t even really considered as being detrimental to my mental state.  I mean, looking at a dark brown door was something I knew but had pushed to the back of my mind as something I couldn’t change.  Well, Elaine thought differently.  VERY differently.  One of the first things she did was get the door taken down and find me a different place to sit in the sitting room.  This meant that not only was I NOT looking at a door that would not help my depression, I was able to look OUT and see people coming and going.  

I had no idea of the difference this would make for my life and I was just SO GLAD I wasn’t facing that door anymore.  Even if moving to see people or cars moving on the road wasn’t an option, I probably would have found life less depressing not facing that awful door!

Now I’m not saying that the view is beautiful from my chair, but I have found beauty in looking at the road and seeing the parents and children going to the nursery and enjoying watching anyone going past.  If I could have had a beautiful garden to look at, that would be amazing, but there IS still a beauty in the road and the people that pass by.  Actually, I find beauty in the curtains hanging in the sitting room too.  They are lovely, as is the beautiful painting we got when we were on honeymoon, which I can see when I look the other way.  And I admire the artist that could recreate such beauty, too.

Beauty.  Such a word.  And beauty can be many things.  I remember when our Christmas tree broke - oh man!  Johnathan was possibly 3 I think and he came to the shop to get the new tree with me (we have a false one because cleaning up needles over the Christmas period adds a negative touch and takes unnecessary labour).  We were looking at the ones that we could afford at the time and Johnathan stopped at one and said “Mummy, we must get this one because it is the most beautiful tree in the world.”  Now, I couldn’t quite say that myself, but it WAS beautiful and so we got it.


Crowning of Charles III in Scotland

