Anika’s Pick of the week number 7

Do you ever find it hard to say to others?   Or have moments where your words are misunderstood?  I can STILL remember the conversations  Kevin and I had on the phone when I first came up to Scotland.

We were chatting o the phone, he told me that he was in his chair, and was clapping his female cat, Sootica.  He had two cats and Sootica would sleep with him on the bed and would edge up the bed towards Kevin under the covers.

So then started a bizarre question and answer time between us – and we didn’t understand each other or see why the other had no idea of what we meant.  Kevin was using the word, as the Scottish word clapping (as stroking an animal).  And I was thinking of the word clapping (as applause).  So you can understand the difference?  I think it took us five minutes to work out we were speaking at cross purposes!

We had a laugh about this incident and still speak of it sometimes today.  Now that’s only a small example as to how conversation can be misunderstood.  We all love to be understood and have that sharing ability intact.

So I have discovered how awful it is to NOT have a way to communicate with the people in my life and home.  For me, it felt like I was in a locked box and couldn’t get anyone to let me out.  I am hopeful that when the sleep apnoea is controlled, it will improve but we will have to see.


Living in Peace


A nightmarish week