Totally out of my depth!

Hello everyone, My name is Clare. I’m one of Anika's friends. Unfortunately Anika has been readmitted to hospital.

She has asked me to let you all know. Also to write a little bit for you all.

Today I thought I would introduce myself to you all and let you know a little bit about me.

I live in Shetland which is a group of islands in the North of the UK. In fact this is the furthest North you can go and still be in the UK . It is a beautiful place with lots of amazing scenery and birds. You can have times when all four seasons come in one day! If you are drawn to the sea and just watching it then this is the place to be.

We also have one of the biggest fire festivals in the world. You may have heard of it? It’s Up-Helly-Aa. It is an amazing procession of Vikings and others dressed up in various costumes . They congregate in a park and burn a galley. After that the squads go round halls and entertain people by doing acts. This lasts all night!

I met Anika in an online community we were both in back in 2019. We started talking outwith the group and have become good friends over the years.

I also have children and grandchildren with autism and ADHD . We have really bonded and help each other by being a listening ear if one of us is having a tough day!

Now you know a little bit about me and how I met Anika. It would be lovely to know a little bit about all of you amazing people who are here.

Having people who know what you are facing on a daily basis is the best support you can have. Here you can get support from everyone.

I will keep you all updated on how Anika is doing. I’ll also post more about my experiences with autism.

Have a great day and know you are not alone on your journey.



Busy, busy


Start of November