
Hello Everyone, My name is Ann and, like Clare, I am a friend of Anika’s. I live in a small village in the North East of Scotland. I had the pleasure of meeting up with Anika and Johnathan, when he was a toddler.

Anika and I met through an online Christian art group over 10 years ago. Our friendship has grown since then through our shared faith and love of all things creative. When Anika asked me if I could help out by writing a post or two for her blog while she is in hospital, and unable to write the herself, I said “Yes!”

Since then I have spent the last day and a half feeling totally out of my depth and unsure where to begin, so I have decided just to start putting something down and tell you a bit about myself and see where we go from there.

I’m a sister, wife, aunt and mother. I am very blessed to have a teenage grandson and granddaughter, who are both creative and into musical theatre. I also have two 8 year old parti- coloured toy poodles.

I am one of those creative folk who love trying all sorts of creative pursuits from gardening and cooking to mixed media and needle felting.

Sometimes you long to try something because you like the way the finished article looks but the reality faiI to live up to expectations. I always thought I’d love making chainmail jewellery and a few years ago I managed to find a crafting evening where the participants got to try several crafts. Needle felting, rubber stamp making, and chainmail earrings. I fell in love with the needle felting, I enjoyed the stamp making, but oh boy! I did not enjoy making the earrings - all the repetitive opening and closing of tiny metal rings. I’m glad I tried it and I have a nice pair of earrings, but it’s not an activity I ever want to repeat.

Over time I have learned that it is good to try new things, even if they are out of our comfort zone. It’s only through experience that we learn what we like and what we don’t . Those things that bring us joy, we can repeat. Let’s chalk up to experience and move on from those that don’t,

That’s a brief introduction to how Anika and I got to know each other and a little bit about me. I’d love to know what hobbies you enjoy. I’m sure that, like me, you wish Anika a full recovery and hope that she will soon be feeling better and be back writing her blog again.

Blessings Ann


Hopefully tomorrow


Totally out of my depth!