What makes you smile?

Well actually the joy of knowing that over 3k of people are reading what I an writing.  That is o precious, I lovethe fact you are doing so.  And the joy of it all is that I cannot help be grateful and smile for each and every one of you.

One thing I did was to buy a painting from Leanne Hughes called Joy.  And you can see the joy as she painted it.  I had no idea that a painting could do that to you - my goodness!  Such an amazing piece of work and I have it on the wall right next to my chair that I work, play with my son in, eat my food and occasionally sleep in.  Sot it’s very important in lots of different ways.  Actually, I think I would stare at the picture next to help me smile when I’m feeling down.

I will admit that thoughts of my family always makes me smile.  Maybe I should have started this post writing about them, but I didn’t,  Remembering our marriage  in 2009, and the joy of our relationship.  Kevin and I knew we were meant to be together (I don’t remember) is if it was while we were writing to each other on the internet or the day we actually met, but it was very close to these events.  There have been times of storm, as there is in any marriage..  And the greatest gift we have  our son, Johnathan.  Thinking of him or Kevin makes me smile from ear to ear.

The animals we have again are a joy to all of us and writing  and creating things and music make me smile.  I love seeing what comes from my head and heart.  It is a joy to create something.  Or the other thing we used to LOVE  doing with the family was going to paint ceramics.  We have quite a few we have done,  And going driving to see the beauty of creation.

So. these are some-of the things that make ME smile.  What things are YOU smiling about today?


Hair cuts


Cutting nails on a child on the spectrum