Hair cuts

Oh my goodness! Hair cuts. Oh boy! To say that Johnathan didn’t like haircuts when he was young is ONE way of putting it! Basically whenever the hairdresser came when he was a baby and moving into a toddler she would either do the best she could if he was asieep and if he was awake, she would just follow him round and round the house, cutting where she could.

I took him to a hairdresser shop once and he was more interested in seeing around the whole place and he didn’t really HAVE what you’d call a proper hair cut. I most certainly did NOT feel confident or comfortable enough to do it myself.

So we went through a few different hairdressers seeing how they could work with him and he allowing them to get it done. Now I think we’ve found a different approach to take and he has it all shaved off. Doesn’t take as long and isn’t painful. The lady actually does ALL our hair at home.

For me, at least, it’s so much easier to get us all done together at home thank it is to go to a shop. With both Kevin and I using electric wheelchairs getting them in and out of ANY hairdresser shop would be VERY hard because getting two chairs that don’t fold up would be a nightmare. And also a hazard for me tripping up and if Kevin did and gets his OTHER hip broken or even the first one again….just no!

Now I am aware that some parents with a child on the spectrum can go to a hairdresser and some are absolutely AMAZING with them. I have even seen photos of the hairdresser lying down next to the child to have them feel confident and give the person permission to do so.

So there it is. Having gone through quite a time finding the perfect way for us that is the most exciting thing. If you ever need to contact me please please please send a message and I will contact you.


Our hearts and our hands together forever


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