What do we know about our day?

Actually, we don’t know much about our day at all.  Think about it.  We plan ahead to see people, go to work, set up holidays, weddings etc but we don’t know if everything will happen as we think.

But you know what?  We still plan and prepare but actually nothing is a given.  Absolutely nothing.  This is what separates us from the rest of creation that we can reason and make plans for specific days.  For some reason I was thinking of beavers and the types of house they build are the same as they did decades and even centuries ago.  

Then you think of migrating birds.  They know where they are going and when they are going.  And they don’t do it considering what is ahead of them they just do it.  We have much more control of what we do and where and when we do it.

When you find the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with, you plan the marriage and honeymoon.  When I was first pregnant with my daughter Natalie, we planed EVERYTHING to the last detail.

What we KNOW about our day is that we can plan and I think the planning can be part of building the excitement and that is ok. Having a plan B in place 2 so that if something goes wrong with the day you can be comfortable with plan B.


Finding that we CAN make plans but always being aware that things can change at the last minute.




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