There’s nothing like

There’s noting like a good Christmas when everybody has a wonderful  time and enjoy not only their presents but the company.and food - everything, in fact.  But people are looking at having a perfect time - something which is basically impossible to happen.

So many things go into making a special celebration or occasion .  And, in order to create that atmosphere, you need physical and mental energy and stamina and capability.  But, as you know, we all have our different levels of achievement due to a variety of factors which can’t be denied.

There’s nothing like everyone having the time of their lives during an event.  But you have to also include the person who spends the time in preparation.  Are they completely spent when everything is done?  Because, if so, that’s not the ideal.

So, you need to find what is like everybody having an excellent time.  Yes, there will be different people with all their needs and personalities and this should play into your planning, especially when considering someone with a particular need.

There’s nothing like looking at difficult times and wondering how on earth you can create a special day or moment where everybody is satisfied.  Sometimes this leads you into creative fields that you would never have dared to cross before.  And it’s not a BAD thing, just something that is necessity.

Of course we all know the lengths to which we were pushed during the pandemic.  And there’s nothing like having to make something special during a time like that.  I mean, it last happened over 100 years before!  

There’s nothing like trying to plan a wedding and realising it’s not going to be how you always imagined and then determining to change your thinking and planning to shape what actually is.  

So, in conclusion, I think you need to know that it’s OK for things to be different than your initial expectations led you to believe they would become.  It doesn’t mean the new thing is wrong, just that it has and has had to change.




Pick Your Own Adventure series and autism