Support and autism

Well, as you know from the many times I have told you the autism spectrum is massive and you can be completely non-verbal, not understanding much to someone who is the extremely talented and verbal.  And, of course, everything else in between them.

Support is the BEST thing you can get and not JUST that, but from people that UNDERSTAND!  Now, they don’t have to be related to you (sometimes I think it’s better if they’re not related to you) and the understanding I believe to be the most important thing.  Because when someone understands what you are going through with your child, they are able to give you the benefit of their advice and share with you things you haven’t even considered.

Of course, the other area to look for support in is with professionals.  Not every one of them you meet will you find helpful.  In fact, unfortunately there are some that are distinctively the opposite of what you would like.  But in among the mix it is possible to find the gems that will go out of their way to support and help you.

The internet can be a massive place of distraction, or you might find yourself struggling with information overload!  You can end up looking at so many different posts that you go on a journey round the internet and  end up looking at elephants in Africa rather than help for whatever the problems you’re facing are.

And then, of course, you could read blogs like mine and find your answers this way.  You can contact people who write blogs who would be more than happy to talk to you and try and help you in whatever your situation is.  One thing to note here is that if it is help internationally – everywhere is different and runs the diagnosing and helpful ideas differently.

Right now, we are looking at help for Johnathan.  We know he has come to the stage where he really is needing it.  And that’s ok.  It’s ok to admit you need help or your child needs help.  You can’t do everything yourself so don’t even try.

Reach out (and don’t worry) cause I’ll drive the crocodiles away…




Getting Assessed for Autism