Anika’s Pick of the Week

Well, I don’t make things as the month of October reminds me of my six children in heaven and just how grateful I am that Johnathan is here.

You see, people don’t think about a loss when they get pregnant (generally).  But it happens more than you think.  I have gone through different types of losses and I love all my children, even the ones in heaven.  Each person’s loss is as individual as they are; the same as when you have a baby.  Every birth is unique and I think losing a child is one of the worst pains mentally, physically and emotionally that you can imagine.

But we have a wonderful event which reminds us of our children and the fact that we can be connected to all those who have had a loss.  It is called “The Wave of Light” and carried out on 15 October you light a candle/s for them at 7pm, your local time so there is a wave of light around the world for 24 hours.

I will admit that it is one event we take part in every year since we lost Natalie in 2010.  And it is a big part of our lives.  Not that we talk about them every day, but this is a day where we can celebrate their lives and remember the good out of the bad.

When we light the candles and sit and watch then burn down, I remember all those mothers and fathers whose babies are gone and wish them well and that they can find peace and comfort even in this situation.  And as we blow each candle out, I think of each child.


The Wave of Light is great because you can do it at home and you don’t have to go anywhere.  Lighting candles has long been used to represent life or combining the love of partners or some religious purpose.


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