
I don’t know about you, but I don’t directly think about light or the kind of light being used but I was thinking about it today because Kevin had gone out for a meal with a good friend.

Now we all know we should get some sunshine but that isn’t always possible.  And when I have been in hospital in a single room I have kept the blinds shut the whole time and the light off as much as possible.  All the staff who came in said how lovely and cool my room was compared to others…..

You can have different lamps on different timers so that if you are genuinely on holiday people will think you are home.  Or at least it was about 10 years ago!  Personally I don’t believe that’s true but there you go, my Nana certainly did up until her death.

And the wonderful thing for me being with Kevin, he has always ensured I have a lamp so that I could do any kind of crafting I wish to.  What a lovely gesture, when you think he doesn’t even do craftwork himself – although he has seen his mother do lots of different ones over the years.

We now have an app where Kevin changes the light in a room.  He and Johnathan both LOVE the setting which is CONCENTRATE.  Personally I can’t STAND it because it is SO BRIGHT and gives me a migraine.  I said to Kevin that it reminds me of the surgeries in hospitals and he told me that was right.


Light can be on the outside i.e. weather. And what we use for ourselves inside and out too.


Encouragement and Praise

