Help! My dog’s autistic! Lol

Maisie has always been unusual.  She was sold to us as a cavachon but everyone things she is a Miniature Poodle.  She is scatty and comes into the house after a walk and charges round and round and round like the small cat Tara does when she needs to poo.

Funny thing is, I don’t know if you know that cats tend to scratch while they are in the litter tray.  Well, Maisie tends to jump on our bed and start scratching – you should have SEEN the look on the different cat’s faces when they first saw her doing so.  Luckily she doesn’t do anything.

I will admit that she will jump down off the bed/sofa/whatever when she needs to do anything thank goodness!  I was going to say she has always been clean but for the first couple of years when it was raining she would dig in the mud and Kevin called her Soggles, or soggy doggles.

When she was young, she started to copy the cats jumping on the bed or sofa or chair.  They couldn’t understand it or why she didn’t jump from the chair to something higher up, as they would.  Funny thing was, cats have a thing where they wiggle their bottom half to steady themselves.  Maisie decided this was a “thing” she needed to add to HER jumps.  

Having said that, we had 2 very clever dogs who knew the timings of the day and what would happen when and who was doing it.  They could tell to the minute when things needed to change.  Maisie does try to figure out the kind of day it is, but impressed by any changes to the pattern – just like a cat.

Oh yes!  I nearly forgot to tell you “Maisie LOVES  Dreamies.”  Our latest hairdresser came to our house the first time and Maisie was nose first INTO the bag.  I was SO embarrassed and tried to dissuade her without success.  By the end of our three appointments Maisie had SCOFFED the LOT!  Now whenever the hairdresser comes she ensures she brings a bag of them, just for the dog!

I know, I know, she’s a dog – a loveable one and totally faithful to me (unless Kevin’s Dad is here).  But she is the first dog I have been able to really think of as mine.  She also loves to be with Johnathan (or even Kevin and I actually) and she is very watchful when any of us are sick.

Oh, I ALMOST nearly forgot to tell you that she has figured out if she snuggles up to Kevin in the night, under the covers, it’s lovely and warm.  She’ll give me a placatory ten minute cuddle and then go find him…thanks girlie!  Cats love warmth and comfort too, so she’s not alone.

She’s a unique dog but I love her dearly and wouldn’t be without her.


What would I do?


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