Have you thought?

Have you ever looked at someone or something and thought you could be like that or that you were like that?  I know it can happen – well, it’s happened to me so I’m sure it’s happened to you.  

One of my friends told me she had got some new curtains and was very proud of them until she saw them on the TV and found them in a lady’s house and she didn’t like the character.  She didn’t want anyone to think she was like that person and bought some simple curtains.  I had mentioned I was considering new curtains and was thinking of something simple I could (potentially) grow to go hate.

When I moved to Scotland I had a very small one bedroom flat because it was all I could afford.  I had left probably half of my stuff in a storage unit in England.  Kevin also had a one bedroom flat but his was MUCH bigger than mine and able to hold a lot more.

So you’re wondering why I have written all this to you.  Well, moving from a two bedroom flat to a very small one bedroom flat made it seem like some people I have seen on the tv who are secretly hoarders.  I had so much piled up in that place and almost wish I’d left more stuff in England.

After Johnathan was born, we realised he only literally played with the toys directly in front of him.  He literally NEVER looked around to see something else.  He had laser focus and would concentrate just on what he saw..  Now I had NEVER seen a baby do this.  The ones I had looked after had all looked round to see what is there for them to want or grab or touch.

When I see hoarders, I can totally see the way that collections can turn into it.  And it’s something I think I would certainly be inclined to if I lived alone or remained in England.  The amount of stuff I have (well, I’ve probably got rid of a small hill of possessions)is really too much for our little home.  

So for the moment I’m going to carry on but I am going to start using the creative crafts I have and enjoy the satisfaction that creating something new gives me.  I do love crafting and so does Johnathan so I am going to keep what we have and enjoy it.


Homework and autism


Children’s need for us