
Today I woke up happy.  No reason in particular, I just did.  It’s been quite some days  since I’ve felt this happy but I am glad that I am.  You know what I was thinking about this?  When you wake up in the morning you never know what the day will hold, or how you will react to it.

Every day is different in some way/s and we have to be ready to understand that.  Some days my pain is worse than normal or my mental health is not so great.  Do either of these things matter?  Well, I believe they don’t in themselves.  

When things aren’t great (whatever the reason is) you can have a range of negative feelings that sweep over you.  But when you are feeling great you a range of positive feelings.  And I guess the choice is do you express them to others or not?

Feelings CAN be hidden.  And children on the spectrum - well anyone on the spectrum, will be able to mask what they feel.  When they are highly intelligent ones it can mean they develop this skill quite early on.  Johnathan is actually pretty good at this - he managed to mask a broken arm in the nursery (as you’ve probably read before).

And then you have actors, opera singers, performers of every type - in fact even royalty has to learn how to do this.  They HAVE to hide their feelings and be what they are meant to be in the public eye.  And that’s not an easy life to live.  When you are publicly obligated to appear in a way that might be the opposite of what you are feeling.

Feelings are important but so is how you react to them or a situation you are found in.  And sometimes unexpected things just happen and there’s nothing you can do to change them, even though you want to.

So, in a nutshell, we have feelings that can be expressed and some that you shouldn’t.  How you react is your problem, how others do is theirs.  And if you have bad feelings - then it might be a great idea to watch the episode of Bluey on Disney + on feelings when they were on holiday because there is a brilliant idea of how to get rid of bad feelings.  Knowing what your bad feelings are and acknowledging them and then letting them go is the best thing you could ever do rather than act out your bad feelings.


Listening and Autism

