Do you have Faith?

I was watching or listening to something that asked the question and I began to think about the many ways we have faith and what we have faith in.

Well obviously there is the INSTANT  thought I have about of the faith we have in religion.  Now I know that it’s not everyone who has a faith in God, but they do believe in something, even if it’s just the wonder of nature.

Then, of course, there’s the confidence that we all participate in when it comes to things that we do day after day.  I mean things like, you go  into a bathroom and EXPECT the toilet to work, because previous experience shows that you have used many different toilets in your life and you don’t even think of it because it looks fine. 

Did you go into that bathroom concerned that there might be a water problem?  Or the drain is blocked or there is a crack in the bowl and if I sit on it I will break it?  For many of us these questions are just so weird we would never think of them in a million years!  The only thing is that if you used the toilet and something was wrong you could end up checking every single one BEFORE you sit down on it!

However, that can be a past of difficulties with people, situations but I must admit these are less than you would imagine, although you might think that if you read the papers and watch the TV.

The last one that comes to mind is: Do you trust/have faith in yourself.  Now, there’s the rub.  Trust MYSELF?   You HAVE to believe or have faith in yourself or all these other trusts and faiths will cause you problems.  


Can I tell you something? Faith, trust, belief, we ALL need.  It’s not easy, nobody said it was.  You might find it hard, even not wanting to put one foot in front of the other, but you do and you keep doing so because you have to.  And everyone has different limits because we are all individual with individual needs, desires and wants.  And everything is there in this world for us to use to better our time here.


Faith? In Yourself?


Anika’s Thoughts of the week 1