Beauty is…

Have you ever thought how beautiful music is?  From the deep tones of the majestic organ, to the twinkling glockenspiel or piano, every piece and every composer has something wonderful to relate.  Each one stirs in you emotion - sometimes good, sometimes bad.  But every piece conveys something.

I was reminded of something I read years ago the other day by two separate incidences.  The first was someone talking about the bond a mother and baby have and how they stare into each other’s eyes to maintain that bond and connection. 

The second one was of a memory.  It happened some years ago now.  I think Johnathan was probably five ish - not totally sure.  He was really just getting too big to sit on my lap.  But I could just about hold him on, although I needed him to help me with his positioning so as not to drop him.  However this day he was extremely poorly and I had made it to the doctor with him and his Granny had helped him stay on my lap from the taxi into the waiting room. 

We had seen the doctor and were waiting to be picked up.  Quite truthfully I have no idea what Granny did during this time - I know, she had gone to get the medicine prescribed for him..  Johnathan was really restless and just wouldn’t settle.  I knew if he didn’t stop like imminently, I would drop him and the floor was a hard one.

So I got him to lie down on my lap on the wheelchair with his head over my left arm and his legs hanging down the right side, over my arm.  And I sat there and sang a quiet song to him.  He was gazing intently into my eyes and I was staring at the beautiful child God has blessed our family with and we had an experience - well, quite truthfully there are no words that express our emotions at that time.  I was looking into his eyes basically telling him everything was going to be ok and not to worry because Mummy had it all under control.

I don’t know how long Johnathan lay like this while I continued to sing quietly to him.  But this is one memory I will keep forever.  It felt like he was the only person in that room at that time.  And the most important.  He had to understand i was there for him and would be by his side while he recovered.

Then these memories led onto what I mentioned at the start of this post  A memory of reading about a time when the Apache tribe were returning pre adolescent to adolescent children that had been captured as toddlers.  The parents and children wanted to unite and become a family again.  Trouble was it was over ten years latter and they didn’t recognise each other!

Someone suggested something I thought was unique and ingenious (and I can’t actually recall who it was).  Every mother was told to wander up and down the rows of children, singing the song they sang to their child as a toddler.  And it worked!  Lullabies sang ten or more years before was recognised by children and all of them found their parents by music.

So the beauty of the lullabies took the children back to the days when their mothers were all in all to them and they were reunited with their family.


Beauty is…


In the night