Words. Words. Just words.
JUST words? No. Never. They matter.
The importance of them bringing power.
Peace. Restoration. Darkness. Light.
Fighting. Healing. Commitment. Joy.
Sad. Happy. Contentment. Family.
Enemy. Friend. Thought. Feeling. Senses. Ignorance. Knowledge. Understanding. Hate. Like and love.
Words are a tool that connects people.
For good or bad. For right or wrong.
Different ends of a spectrum.
Colours of a rainbow or monochrome.
Just one colour or shades of many.
Creation or building. Wild. Tame.
Wrong done. Say sorry. Ask forgiveness.
Start again. Move away. Change of life.
Speak. Write. Listen. Understand.
Do good in this world. Be good.
Have grace and mercy.
Have blessings? Name and count them.
Let people know you care. Phone.
Contact. Build bridges. Make things.
Prepare and plan. Write lists.
Stay with people. Have some me time.
Know whatever you do is not forgotten.
It is both seen and heard. Forget.
Remember. Path. Verge. Journey. Stay.
Life and death. Weakness and power.
So, pray tell me as I want to know
What will YOU do with your words?