What you are

Do you know what really pisses me off?  People that tell you they know what you are or what you are feeling.  Because they DON’T!

OK, yes, you can empathise or sympathise or support someone, but if you haven’t been through what they have, you don’t REALLY understand.  And even if you HAVE been through the same experience, you might have a completely different outlook on it.  Now, I want you to know THAT is wrong to expect it, too.

Unless somebody TELLS you how they feel, you simply don’t KNOW.  You can guess, you can imagine, you can follow through with YOUR opinion, but you CANNOT know.  So please be circumspect and be polite and ASK what the PERSON thinks.

You are what you are and your circumstances have helped you to develop and grow   Things that others find difficult are no problem for you.  And that’s ok.  

Whatever you are, BE that person you are and don’t let others put you down.  I will admit that I’m not great at it, but am slowly slowly slowly getting there and you can too.


Hi everyone

