Recognising Different Abilities
Now I know you are probably looking at the computer screen and thinking that you DO recognise different abilities. I was sitting chatting to some of the people in the hospital and we were commenting about how people don’t see that there’s a different KIND of ability wherever a person is.
So what exactly are we looking at? Most people I would think would assume doctors, designers, creatives and celebrities, inventors, and people on the “old higher” end of the autistic spectrum as those who have great ability and yes, that’s absolutely correct.
But in recognising the ability to write, I might brush past those with a different ability in my field, and see that this is something I won’t do. I know that there is no way my artistry or rhyming ability has any chance of success in creating a book for children and I greatly admire those who can.
We actually discussed the hospital together, all of us. One of the things we touched upon was that actually the CLEANERS had an extremely important job because if they didn’t clean the hospital, the consultants wouldn’t have any patients. And the porters get the patient to the right place at the right time.
Looking at it, we began to see how life worked in various ways. Now I could NEVER be a cleaner - too many colours to learn and mops and cloths to use and pushing that cart…, not a chance I could ever do that!
What we concluded in the end was that every individual in the world has an ability for SOMETHING, even if it isn’t recognised by those who forget to see that the “minor” or “uneducated” isn’t really. It is just that they are different skills to the ones we have and each is necessary to the world and the hospital we were in ourselves.