Proud of my boy

This afternoon I was absolutely delighted and extremely emotional over an email I got from the deputy head about my boy.  Something I never expected, really.  

I was also delighted to read that the deputy head complimented Kevin and I for how Johnathan had behaved.  For me, that was an accolade I had never dreamed of, especially from a deputy head of a school!  I was completely overwhelmed with emotional happiness.

As parents we tend to try and teach our children right from wrong and sometimes I struggle wondering if he has learned or remembered what we have told him.  So to hear that he not only has, but has impressed the deputy head, is a joy that helps reassure me he is doing well.

I really hope that Johnathan takes something positive from this experience as well.  He asked me if I had seen an email from the deputy head and I could feel the pride in his voice when he asked me and once I saw the email, I understood why.

So remember your child can surprise you with the things they do.  And that you never know when someone will compliment you on how they have done something well.




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