Our Bodies Two

I was thinking about the last post I wrote and I was thinking about the times when we think we need to push our bodies, but our bodies simply CAN’T take it, so they fight back.

When you haven’t slept for hours, do you really think your mind, body and emotions can be where they should be?  Sometimes I find myself waking up to write in the night, and for many years I thought I could carry on and live a FULL day after only maybe 3 hours of sleep a night.

But, let me tell you, I know, as well as YOU know (even if you don’t like to admit it) that we NEED sleep.  Having an autistic son who didn’t sleep caused me problems because I would nap on the sofa next to him and assume I could carry on a full day!

So, please, whatever your body needs for your whole body to work, be sensible and give it what it needs.  It’s no shame to look after yourself and your family and friends will bless you for it.


Our bodies and burnout


Our Bodies