Life can be Different

Life can be completely different because we all end up taking different journeys in life.  People you knew when you were a child may have moved away from you or you from them.  Other friends you have for life, or a small while.

And if people have been together through something – like a cooking show, you know you are, in some senses, watching life in different ways and seeing how each person functions (or doesn’t) under pressure.  Funny thing is you see some people leave and some are elated because they got further than week one…others are in tears, saying that the contestants are their best friends and they’ll never forget the experience.  I suppose for me it’s seeing them changing from cooks to chefs.  A small world in miniature, maybe was the way to describe it.

I suppose my life has taken unbelievable turns.  I always thought I would return to Essex as a homing bird returns.  But Kevin and I are soon going to be 15 years married and I can’t EVER imagine returning there.  My heart is in the West of Scotland.  The best creative writing I have done has been here and it’s where I will probably stay, unless something dramatic happens and we have to move.

Fact is, you don’t know what situations may emerge that require your moving.  One thing lockdowns taught us all was that we CAN communicate with each other no matter the distance.  OK, it’s not EXACTLY the same, but it can be done.  

One time (prior to covid) a counsellor told me she couldn’t EVER take clients over any other platform for her work.  The person HAD to be right there, in front of her.  I must admit I admire the bravery of people who are around my age or a bit older that didn’t have access to internet facilities that are so readily available nowadays.  Oh the nightmare of trying to use the phone/fax lines!  And trying to play a game online…need I say more?


I think it’s tremendous bravery that has taken people from all different walks in life  and use the advantages involved by turning everything in their business or life online.  The treasure that can be gleaned from doing this is immeasurable.  OF COURSE there are things that aren’t perfect, but that’s ok.


Anika’s Pick of the Week 8


Well, I’m BACK.