
Have you ever thought of things that make you laugh and just WHY they do?  I just had an advert on the tv with which gave me the this idea for a post.  A lot of adverts I look at end up saying “What?  I don’t get it.”

Quite honestly I don’t remember misunderstanding so many in my youth and I remember the songs that went with them.  The one, actually I can’t remember what it was for, but the advert was “Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.”  I think they were pushing a door open of a pub but it was a black and white advert.

The other one  I remember some of the lines “We will take more care of you.  By the flag, by the flag.”  Personally even as a young child I liked AA better and thought they gave better service.  So even with the song I knew it wasn’t true.  Well, at least in my experience, anyway.  

Another one that called to me was “R.Whites Secret Lemonade drinker” because of the man coming downstairs in his dressing gown and the wife turning on the light and giving him that “look” that women have for their husbands when no words do…..

The one that has caused me the most laughter is one I saw some months ago and there was a man riding a motorbike and suddenly there was a highland cow on it instead!  I laughed so much and I even remembered it when I was feeling down or just simply having a bad day.  In fact, even remembering it now I’m giggling!


We need to remember to look for the laughter we can have over things. And remember that on the darker days when we need something to uplift us.  Why not tell us of some laughter moments you have had?


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