Families are all different

Families are all different.  And we all come and leave the same way.  Some of us with more or less money than others.  That isn’t important.  What IS important is taking care of our bodies.

And taking care of our bodies comes in many forms.  Maybe it’s what we read, hear or see.  Or it could be giving our bodies more sleep (this one can be rather interesting if you have youngsters).  But it can be organised.

I was chatting to a friend  who is highly engaged in the community.  She works in the community care, she does pastoral street care, she looks after her husband, two dogs and sometimes her two grandchildren.  So she has a really busy life.

And don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful thing to give to others and help them in their hour of need and since COVID and getting shut out into our houses, we missed the communion with others.  I WILL say I think messenger video, facetime or zoom or whatever means you could contact others really helped.

But now we are “back” to our “normal” lives.  I’m sure you know the saying about looking after your own breathing in a plane and THEN go and help others.  And as we move into new territory, we must be careful to look after ourselves and not allow the pressures of life to take over again.  




Our bodies and burnout