Beauty is…

When I was younger (I think about 7 or 8), I met a girl that basically lived in (well I guess you would call it) one of the clear cots that you get in hospital to put your baby in.  She was tiny (no bigger than a doll) and had to be cared for constantly.  It was a lady called Jenny that brought her round to a friend’s house and I can still remember the dark blue dress she was wearing and how HAPPY she was!

For me, I thought the little girl was amazing!  She was funny and friendly and had absolutely no problem with how she was being cared for and she demonstrated compassion and love she had for Jenny and vice versa.  I thought she was a beautiful little girl and admired her greatly, even though I never met her again.

You see, it doesn’t matter how big or small someone is, or how beautiful they are or not, the important thing about another human being is the goodness of their heart.  When they do above and beyond what you anticipate or expect.  Or their “heart is in the right place” and you can see beauty in them, THAT’S what’s important!  

People can look at the outside of the person and say “oh they’re not beautiful/handsome” and just dismiss the individual.  They believe their first impression and never bother to discover if the person has a good heart, or good intentions.

The concept of outside beauty in someone’s look and shape has changed over the centuries - sometimes even during the century.  There are times when beauty has been seen as being voluptuous and other times the “beauty” needs to be tall and skinny - and anything else in between.  But for me, I try to see behind the looks to what the person is like.  Now, I can’t tell you I get it right every time.  In fact, I have got it wrong a number of times, but have always realised in the end the true motives of the individual.

As a beautiful woman or man, yes, it’s great to wear good clothes, and wear gorgeous make up and have your hair done for an occasion.  In fact, I know some people who DO all that every day of their lives.  Personally I don’t have to be “all done up” to be beautiful and feel beautiful, but I will admit that when I have made the effort to do so (generally with some help) it has made me feel amazing.  However, I don’t have the physical energy to do it every day!  

When you have beauty in your soul, you could wear anything and look any way.  That beauty will always come out, no matter what your situation is.


Beauty is…


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