Anika’s Pick of the week 15
Hi everyone
It’s actually been a bit weird being home again. Not that home is weird but I think I am still adjusting to the use of a cpap machine. The noise is one element of it and the air pushing through is quite another. And each night it’s a different amount of episodes of sleep apnea it has encountered.
But one of the nice things about the effects of using it and getting DECENT sleep is that actually I haven’t slept AT ALL this weekend during the day. And now that will make a difference to me and my family. Kevin and Johnathan have got accustomed to me suddenly falling asleep with no warning - for me it was the no warning of being awake that bothered me!
So this weekend has just been a chance for me to catch up with myself and allow myself to begin to recover from the many seizures I had at the hospital. If you ever had blood gas taken some years ago, they used to do it at the thumb but now they heat your ear lobe up and do it there! Apparently it has more blood vessels there than the thumb.
And this next week is going to go into planning for doing some baking and for deciding what we will have for Christmas dinner.
I am so looking forward to planning the days and catching up with everything and hopefully everyone before Santa comes. But I know that life will go on and I will be writing more and sharing more things with you all.