Someone singing

Do you ever hear people singing?  I know that if you like that kind of music that it will bring a smile to your face, even if you have a tear in your eye at the same time.  People go to concerts or plays and pay a lot of money to do so.  Some songs are just so catching that you just can’t stop singing them.  

There are iconic songs that are SO memorable that you INSTANTLY recognise the introduction and know where it comes from.  And that’s ok.  Glorious music productions that capture your heart and mind and make you feel emotional about it.  I know you probably know Frozen, but I bet you ALSO know if I said the words “Let It go” you would have the song starting and stirring memory for you.

But I know, if I am having a bad day mentally or emotionally I cannot think of ANY song to sing.  And I don’t seem to have the energy to THINK of a song to him.  I don’t know about you, but it’s how it works for me.  And I find that when I’m happy I can sing, but when I’m happy I can’t stop!

Well, now I want to break a bit and talk of birds.  When I was young, we had a canary Called Tommie in the school and he would sing his heart out whenever he heard music in the school.  Did you know that canaries were taken down in mines so that if they stopped singing or died they know there were gases that were dangerous and to go a different way.

Singing is an important part of your life and even if you’re out of tune or have bad rhythm, it doesn’t matter.  Singing will not only enhance your life and the life of your family, but it makes you feel better- in body, mind and spirit, so why not give it a go – either listening to it.  Find what you like, and keep it going.


Music and Poetry


Sentient Chair