OMG! It was a medical emergency!

As I wrote to you already, you knew I had been to hospital for a procedure which turned into an absolute NIGHTMARE of a time that I still have not fully recovered from.

From the information presented to me, I would arrive at the hospital, have the procedure and go home if someone would be with me for 24 hours.  Sounds fine, doesn’t it?!

Well, turns out the throat spray they wanted to use I am allergic to so they couldn’t get anything done.  Ugh!  Don’t remind me they’re going to have to try it again….but when they do, everything will need checking out FIRST.

So, you know I always say there are bright things in the dark times that you can hold on to?  Something that helps you get through it?  And I wasn’t disappointed.

One of the surgeons who was called in to see me (I can’t tell you how many examined me, or the number of them that tried to get a line in me - in the end someone managed my left foot!) came and stood right next to me and asked me if I knew what was going on.  I didn’t.

That woman is and was a JEWEL in a situation like that.  She made me feel that I was the most important person in the room and only the two of us were there.  She managed to completely cut out everyone else and was amazingly calming.  I can’t say I have often felt this but she was THERE.

Rachel Welch just calmed my nerves and got me to not be anxious or afraid because I knew she was going to be sure the right/best thing was done for me.

Funny moment, though.  She had to briefly leave at one point and she came back because she couldn’t sleep.  And she told me that she knew in the back of her mind that she knew my name from somewhere and looked in her notes.  Well!  Would you believe she removed my GALLBLADDER ten years ago?!  WHAT a great memory she has.  I had just thought she reminded me of someone else.

I knew I was in safe hands and I am home now, recovering.  Yes, the experience as a whole was terrible, but she was the brightness in the darkness for me.


Missing a toy and autism


Hi everyone