Grateful for Sight

I don’t know if I’ve told you, but I have had problems with my vision on and off for many years.  Some glasses I have been given work for me and some have not!

After Natalie was born, I suddenly found I couldn’t really see again and went to the optician who said that was quite common..  So another pair of glasses in the same year…or was it 2?  I don’t remember that.  

With that happening, there was no way I was getting a new pair of glasses while pregnant with Johnathan because of this fact.  So I knew this would mean I would have to get my eyes tested once he was born.  

Do you know what I am doing right now for sight?  I am using the prescription before the one that was current.  There was a great pair of glasses but somehow two got broken so I just said to Kevin I could put up with the ones I am wearing.

Having said I could put up with these, there were some things that were better and some worse.  Small typeset letters and numbers are hard to read, as are books and magazines.

I can’t read the writing on the yellow background of the television because it’s just too blurry.  And if I am ordering something and need to pay, OH MY GOSH!  I can’t figure out the numbers to read them.  I have discovered I need a REALLY BRIGHT light and even then…

Anyway, had a lovely optician come out and see me.  He was so wonderful but told me he couldn’t give me perfect vision because of the things that are wrong but he is going to give me the best he can.

So I am grateful for vision and vision that will be as good as it gets, but not perfect.  What are YOU grateful for?


Issues and autism


Determination and autism