Anika’s Pick of the Week

I’d like to draw your attention to the posters that we;re making for you to either use yourself or for someone else.  These posters are meant to encourage and uplift and remind you of where you can get to. be your “best self” (not that I like these two words together) but it best describes what I am trying to do.

When I was younger (and I still do it now)I had a tendency to say “No” and rattle on about the things I had to do and that I was just exhausted LIVING.  Not many people understood, but once I discovered Professor Haers, who had my x-rays, looked at my records and told me I needed to have my face reconstructed and he could do it over 8 operations in a year!

So then, I had a REASON for my “no.”  I had wonderful friends who allowed me to move into the well, I don’t know WHAT to call it.  Basically it was at the bottom of the garden (and there were no worms in it - especially ones named Wiggly Woo).  Basically it was a tiny kitchen, the BEST sofabed I have ever slept on and a bathroom.

Trouble is, I think, is when we want to please people.  And when you’re like that, you either SAY no and babble on!  The other way we discover doing it is not saying anything and disappearing is really hard….

So yes, I struggle to say “No” and I decided it would be a fantastic idea if Jamie could make me a poster saying that, it was great reminder to me NOT to ramble and give them so many reasons, that they disagree with.  

At the moment, you can get them in size A4, but if you have any specific requirements please do contact us and we will see what we can do to help you.  

So, this is my pick of the week.  What do YOU think?


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